A urologist

A urologist

A urologist is a doctor specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of various diseases of the organs of the male genitourinary system and the female urinary system. The staff of the center includes doctors with extensive work experience who are attentive to each of their patients. Highly qualified staff and state-of-the-art diagnostic equipment make it possible to accurately identify the cause of the problem and successfully carry out treatment.

What diseases does a urologist deal with?

The problems of the genitourinary system, which the urologist specializes in, include:

• Diseases of the urinary tract and bladder: cystitis, urethritis, urolithiasis, various problems with urination (urinary retention or incontinence, frequent trips to the toilet, etc.), dysplasia of the bladder.

• Kidney diseases: pyelonephritis, hydronephrosis, nephroptosis, etc.

• Diseases of the male reproductive system: prostatitis, epididymitis, orchitis, balanoposthitis, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) — chlamydia, papillomavirus infection, ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis, herpes and other problems.

NSMC doctors have extensive experience in eliminating pathologies such as papillomatosis of the urethra and bladder, as well as in the treatment of neoplasms of various organs of the genitourinary system.

In which cases do they turn to a urologist

The detection of one or more of the following symptoms at once indicates the need to visit a urologist.

• problems with urination;

• changes in the smell, color and volume of urine;

• the presence of secretions from the urethra;

• burning and itching;

• pain or discomfort (in the lower abdomen, lower back, perineum, groin and genitals);

• any visible changes in the semen (in men);

• changes in the appearance of the genitals;

• injury to the genitourinary organs.

Consultation with a urologist

A trusting and pleasant environment, which is typical for NNMC doctors, is a guarantee of comfortable treatment. Depending on your complaints, as well as on the results of the examination, the doctor will determine which tests and studies should be prescribed to clarify the diagnosis and prescribe the optimal treatment regimen.

Diagnosis of a urologist

Urethroscopy and cystoscopy are highly effective visual diagnostic methods that are used to assess the condition of the urethra and bladder.

In addition to endoscopic examinations, ultrasound diagnostics is also actively used in urology. With the help of ultrasound, the condition of the prostate, bladder, kidneys and other organs is examined.

If necessary, an X-ray examination, magnetic resonance imaging or computed tomography will be performed at the NMC.

The most commonly used diagnostic methods include laboratory tests, such as a general blood test, a blood test for sexually transmitted infections, seminal fluid analysis, back-sowing, analysis of prostate secretions, and so on.

The NSMC provides the most convenient service for its visitors: a complete examination of the genitourinary system on the day of the visit.

Treatment of urological diseases.

The NSMC employs urologists of the highest category with extensive experience who successfully treat all possible urological diseases.

The center's doctors use modern methods of both conservative and surgical treatment of urological diseases. Such physiotherapy methods (laser and ultrasound therapy) show excellent results. The use of various physiotherapy procedures in complex treatment (in addition to drug treatment) makes it possible to fight the disease more effectively, guarantees complete recovery, reduces the duration of treatment, and minimizes the likelihood of recurrence.

The optimal method of treating a number of urological diseases is surgery. Surgical treatment of diseases, depending on the complexity and scale of the intervention, can be carried out both in the conditions of the NSMC hospital and on an outpatient basis.

Surgical treatment of urological diseases

Surgical treatment of problems such as:

• prostate adenoma;

• hydrocele;

• varicocele;

• phimosis;

• frenulotomy;

• papillomas and warts.

Also, with high professionalism, our specialists perform operations for paraphimosis, perform reconstructive and aesthetic surgery of the external genitalia, treat various injuries of the genitourinary system.

The scheme for the elimination of any problems and treatment of diseases, regardless of their etiology and localization, is determined by the doctors of the NMC on an individual basis. Any case is unique, so only such an approach at all stages (diagnosis, preparation of an effective treatment regimen, control) will give the best result. Our doctors are highly qualified, have extensive experience in their specialty and are ready to solve the most difficult tasks.

You can get additional information and make an appointment with a urologist by phone +7 7172 57 74 40, +7 702 094 77 71


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