Quality Management Department

The quality management department has been representing a separate structure since 01.09.2016.

Main tasks of the Department:

Implementation of methodological guidance of structural divisions for the development and implementation of the EFQM model and integrated management system (hereinafter referred to as ISM) in the NSC.

updating and managing the documentation of the duty;

Monitoring the use of conceptual approaches and criteria of the EFQM model, the requirements of National Accreditation Standards, international standards through self-assessment, with the involvement of validators of the improvement model;

analysis of the results of current and retrospective assessment of the examination of the volume and quality of medical services;

Organization and conduct of internal audits of the IMS of the NSC with the provision of analytical information of the PVR.

Works in the Department:

- Raisova Karlygash Askerovna, head of the Department of quality management, PhD in the specialty "Public Health", higher medical education in the specialty "Pediatrics", higher legal education, assessor of the European Organization for quality management – (EFQM since 2014), manager of the European Organization for quality (EOQ since 2012), internal auditor in the specialty "Public Health" to the international systems ISO. In 2014, he completed an internship at the Central University of Michigan, Michigan (USA). Final professional development on topical issues of Public Health in 2016. Total work experience of 20 years.

- Rakhimova Zamira Kenzhebekovna — higher technical education in the specialty Standardization, Metrology and certification, work experience-4 years. In September 2014, he has an internal appraiser certificate.

Contacts of the quality management department:

Tel. (+7 7172) 57 74 67

e-mail: nnmc_oka@mail.ru

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