Gynecological program (Basic)

To study the information about filling all the check-up packages and choose the one you need, contact our curator Voychishina Nadezhda, 8 (702) 094 77 71

Gynecological examination is an important procedure to maintain health and prevent various diseases. It includes the inspection, inspection and consultation of specialists . Screening helps to identify and prevent various diseases of the female reproductive system. Early detection of such problems allows you to start treatment at an early stage and increase the chances of a full recovery. We recommend undergoing a gynecological examination once a year, individual recommendations may vary depending on the specific case.

The program includes

Doctors ' advice:

  • Gynecologist

Radiation diagnostics and ultrasound:

  • Gynecological ultrasound (transvaginal)


  • Determination of chlamydia spp. (chlamydia) by PCR method on biological material
  • Determination of Mycoplasma hominis (Mycoplasma hominis) in biological material by PCR
  • Determination of Trichomonas vaginalis (Trichomonas vaginalis) in biological material by PCR
  • Detection of Neisseria gonorrhea (Neisseria gonorrhea) in biological material by PCR
  • Determination of vitamin D in blood serum by Elisa method
  • Study of the general analysis of urine in the analyzer (physico-chemical properties of urine sediment with counting the number of cellular elements)
  • General blood test on an analyzer with differentiation of 5 classes of cells
  • Determination of ferritin in blood serum by immunohemiluminescence
  • Determination of serum glucose in the analyzer
  • Determination of glycosylated hemoglobin in the blood in the analyzer
  • Cytological examination of cervical smear Pap test

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