Department of General and Thoracic Surgery

The department provides highly qualified inpatient medical care using innovative techniques, according to the list of specialized and high-tech medical care within the framework of the GOBMP and the OSMS system, as well as on a contractual basis:

Surgical pathology of the liver – liver hemangiomas, simple and parasitic (echinococcosis, alveococcosis) liver cysts, purulent focal liver lesions (abscess), primary and secondary (metastatic) liver tumors;

Surgical pathology of extrahepatic bile ducts and gallbladder – chronic and acute calculous cholecystitis, gallbladder polyposis, choledocholithiasis, postoperative cicatricial strictures of the bile ducts, cancer of the gallbladder and extrahepatic bile ducts;

Surgical pathology of the pancreas – true and false cysts, virsungial hypertension of benign genesis, pancreatic fistulas, pancreatic stones, tumors of various localization (head, body, tail), tumors of the large duodenal nipple.

Surgical pathology of the endocrine organs (adrenal gland, thyroid, parathyroid and thymus glands) – adenoma, hyperparathyroidism, thymomas, myasthenia gravis, pheochromacytoma, aldesteroma, incindentomas, goiter, follicular goiter, diffuse toxic goiter, neuroblastoma, carcinoma, papillary cancer, medullary cancer, etc.

Surgical pathology of the gastrointestinal tract – stenosis, diverticula, achalasia, leiomyomas, rhabdomyomas, hiatal hernias, gastric ulcers, dolichosigma, esophageal cancer, stomach cancer, colon cancer, small intestine cancer, rectal cancer.

Surgical pathology of the retroperitoneal space — benign and malignant formations of the retroperitoneal space.

A list of performed surgical interventions and/or services.

The list of the minimum amount of research for referral to planned hospitalization

Department post number: +7 (7172) 577-466

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