Doctors from the Pediatric Cardiac Surgery Center held outreach consultations in Almaty Region and Zhetysu.

From November 25 to 29, 2024, specialists from the Pediatric Cardiac Surgery Center conducted free outreach consultations for children in various settlements of the Almaty Region and Zhetysu.
Doctors from the Pediatric Cardiac Surgery Center held outreach consultations in Almaty Region and Zhetysu.

From November 25 to 29, 2024, specialists from the Children's Cardiovascular Surgery Center conducted free outreach consultations for children in the settlements of Almaty region and Zhetysu.

The medical team, including pediatric cardiac surgeon Bagzhan Omiraliyev and pediatric cardiologist Asiya Akylbekovna Akhmoldaev, visited these regions to provide qualified assistance to children.

Consultation Results:

During the five days of work, specialists:

  • Examined about 200 children
  • Identified 25 cases of arrhythmia
  • Diagnosed 20 other cardiovascular disorders
  • Focused on patients with congenital heart defects and postoperative children — approximately 40 children were involved.

Opinion of Local Residents:

The residents of Almaty region and Zhetysu highly appreciated this initiative. The parents of the patients expressed sincere gratitude to the doctors for their professionalism, attention, and kindness. They emphasized that outreach consultations are especially important in remote areas where there is a shortage of medical personnel. Many parents noted that such events contribute to the early detection of cardiovascular diseases and provide recommendations for further treatment.

About the Center:

The Children's Cardiovascular Surgery Center, one of the leading medical institutions in the region, continues its mission to provide qualified assistance to children wherever they may be.

"Children's Cardiovascular Surgery Center – always close to your hearts!"

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