Department of Strategy, Quality Management and Standardization

Department of Strategy, Quality Management and Standardization

Head of the department: Indira Suleimenova Sarsenbekovna, a public health doctor of the first qualification category, an expert of external comprehensive assessment in the field of healthcare, a full member of the Association of Managers of Kazakhstan.

Key functions:

  • Implementation, improvement and management of the quality management system;
  • Organization of compliance with the approved rules and procedures governing the Company's work within the framework of accreditation standards;
  • Strategic planning of the Company's activities;
  • Monitoring of the Company's operational activities;
  • Improvement of internal documentation, rules and procedures in accordance with standards and current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • Development of measures aimed at preventing and eliminating defects in work based on the results of an analysis of activities that contribute to improving the quality and effectiveness of medical care;
  • Implementation and updating of quality indicators to improve business processes;
  • Integrated risk management;
  • Process management and setting up business processes.

For questions of quality management, standardization and cooperation, please contact by phone +7 702 122 16 67 ,

Талдау нәтижелерін алу/Получить результаты анализов


Казахстан, г.Астана, пр. Абылай хана 42

Жұмыс уақыты/График работы

Дүйсенбі-Жұма: 08:00-20:00
Сенбі: 08:00-13:00
Жексенбі-Демалыс күні
Понедельник-Пятница: 08:00-20:00
Суббота: 08:00-13:00
Воскресенье-выходной день


Публичный договор
