Patient Support and Internal Examination Service

The main tasks of the Service are:

  • providing methodological guidance to structural units on the implementation and maintenance of National Accreditation Standards, including international standards in the field of healthcare;
  • development, implementation and evaluation of the effectiveness of programs to improve the quality of diagnosis and treatment in the NSC;
  • conducting an examination of medical documentation for the quality of medical services provided, the quality of filling out medical documentation, in accordance with the clinical protocols of diagnosis and treatment of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan and National Accreditation Standards;
  • development of measures aimed at preventing and eliminating defects in work based on the results of activity analysis and contributing to improving the quality and effectiveness of diagnostics and treatment;
  • coordination of work on the consideration of citizens' appeals and complaints about poorly provided medical care;
  • coordination of the activities of the internal control and risk management system;
  • collection, processing and analysis of key performance indicators;
  • analysis of incident reports, identification of root causes, provision of recommendations and corrective measures for identified inconsistencies;
  • conducting system tracers for compliance with national accreditation standards;
  • updating, management of ISM documentation (integrated management system);
  • organization and conduct of internal audits of the IMS (integrated management system) of the NNMC with the presentation of analytical information of the PVR.

Department contacts :

tel.+7 (7172) 57-78-32


Талдау нәтижелерін алу/Получить результаты анализов


Казахстан, г.Астана, пр. Абылай хана 42


Публичный договор
